Love Letter To Mom

My mother was a major influence in my world she made a huge impact on my life. Where would I be without the love, attention, and teaching that she gave to me?

Her and I were both smart academically, talented and gifted spiritually, able to learn on our own, to be self-taught without anyone having to train or to inform to us the certain significant matters of life and society. The Lord created us the perfect match for one another.

God played a solid role within my mother’s growth and maintenance. She told me he did a lot for her.

My mother went through a lot from an early age. I wonder how she came through so sufficiently to then endure further hardships with family and other jealous and troubled folk all the while continuing to be a phenomenal mother to me.

Aside from I recognizing God himself proving to be extremely faithful in most of our life circumstances, my mother is the reason I am able to put my hope and trust within the Lord.

Thank you, mommy, for teaching me to pray as a little girl. Thank you, mommy, for all those years of being there for me, always believing in me, always encouraging me. Thank you for being someone I could deeply and genuinely admire, look up to, respect and love ultimately.

Your sense of humor was out of this world, we both cracked each other up. You were funny without trying to be, you had that natural knack for inciting laughter. I get my gaiety from you.

I loved the fondness and ear that we had for different types of music and all of the moments we enjoyed together listening and jamming to the beats. The gospel music you used to play for years was also very inspiring and still motivates me to this very day.

I am so honored and glad that I was born to you, I could not have asked for a better parent. You deserve all the best reward for everything that you have done for me and other undeserving people, and for all that you had to go through in this crazy, twisted world we call a society.

I love you so much, the love you gave to me was untouchable. No one but God can surpass it. Your love highly contributed to my strength, self-worth, and security. You kept me full, never lacking or needing anything other than the nurturing I was supplied with.

I am a survivor, a complete woman due to the fierce and selfless woman in you. Mom, you sacrificed yourself as a true mother does always putting me first.

You were never last to me. You are my number one. The best woman I ever knew. You are my best friend, you and Brandie! Forever, and ever, and ever.

I love you.