Out In Nature


Last weekend, on one of the days of lovely, gorgeous weather. I stood in a serene environment of tall trees that adorned the area where I stood.

Above me, on a tree branch, stood a bird sounding out such an annoying loud continuous holler within its birdie language.

I looked up to catch a look.

This was a bird with a black face- yellow or tan beak from what I could see at a distance-with a predominant black coating with yellow mixed in on the sides and possibly on the tummy.

I do not usually see birds in this shade often. On rare occasions the Red Robin, Blue Jay, or Canary will show up somewhere.

Most of the time it is the usual black birds, gray, white or gray pigeons and so on.

I aimed to take a snapshot of this noisy bird that aggravated my ears to shortly disturb my peace.

I was not able to take a clear photo as the reflection of the sun drowned the view on the screen to my smartphone in addition to the bird having flown over to another branch, then onto another, to eventually disappear completely out of sight.



A Beautiful Mind


I love beautiful scenery, cozy spots, places to get lost in that feel like a home.

I like riding over a bridge or through the expressway or through towns in the rain in a car while listening to the soothing sounds of mellow music or contemporary jazz.

I like the thought of atop and over a rooftop at nightfall. Tables, lighting, laughter, food, entertainment amid the dim-lit sun or moonlit essence.


Where I Want To Live



Back in the nineties, as I used to travel quite often to and from the city of Manhattan, I considered the idea of one day moving there.

To take up residency in a gorgeous Brownstone of my choice if possible.

I loved Manhattan back then!

After time passed, the desire faded. I love certain areas of Queens where I plan to remain right now for the time being- unless I one day change my mind to another part of New York.

However, my choice will not be Manhattan, Brooklyn, or the Bronx.

There are many other beautiful parts of New York for me to go If I ever decide to permanently change locations.




A Lovely Dream I Once Had



I remember a great dream I had years ago.

In the dream, I lived in a spacious home that was shared with relatives of mine that I had not met yet in the awake state.

The home had so much room and was built off in a section way where my relatives and I would only run into each other occasionally or not so often inside the large-sized kitchen we also shared.

We all got along and went about our business in parts of the house that we resided and occupied.

The only person I told this dream to was my mother after I had it.

So, it was coincidental or suspicious when someone mentioned in a comment on one of my blog posts (Symptoms of Voodoo Black Magic by Mony Singh) years after I had the dream that they lived in a big house with the same or similar circumstances. I do not recall every detail within the person’s comment (and there are far too many comments to search through to look for it).

However, it was too close.

Of course, I do know that whatever we can think can happen or exist. And that whatever we may experience, someone else somewhere around the world will or may experience it too.

It is not that my dream and her claim of reality seemed impossible, it was just uncanny of her to mention the instance.




Toward The End Of September


Sunday night it thundered, lightened, then poured down with heavy rain.

Monday, it was beautiful out, a pleasant change from the last few past days. I didn’t have to wear anything on my arms- no jacket, no sweater.

Today, on Tuesday, was another nice day, not as warm as yesterday but nice enough to go without a jacket while lingering in the sun otherwise one may have needed a sweater or long-sleeved shirt if preferred.

Regardless, it was still a very lovely day. It would be nice if the weather could stay beautiful all year around yet we need snow days and the rain for many vital reasons also, and so on.

All climates serve their beneficial purpose.





Autumn Day


Yesterday was the official day for Autumn to begin.

It was also the apparent end to the sequence of beautiful weather. The day before, along the other prior days it was nothing but a constant streak of warm, sunny gorgeous weather.

Since yesterday it has been cold.

Today it was cold and windy, making the day even worse. Most of the people I seen out wore jackets or sweaters- some with hats or hoods over their heads.

I had gotten caught in a little of the rain yesterday as clouds dominated the sky the majority of the fall day.

It rained hard during certain periods of the day yesterday as I was out in Great Neck, NY.




September Morning


Today was the first day I shut my window since the summer heatwave began.

The humidity dropped a month ago, allowing for a hot to warm- yet comfortable atmosphere.

I first noticed the change within the air when I got up during the wee hours to go to the bathroom while it was still dark out.

I felt a cool breeze come through.

It is starting to actually feel like September. The weather is not as nice as it was yesterday and the days before.

Fall is officially approaching. It will soon be time to wear jackets again.


Don’t Touch Me!

Years before Covid arrived on the scene (ever since the early 90’s) I was one who had already adopted a natural habit to frequently wash my hands.

Years after (In 2006 on up) I constantly wore gloves at work in retail department stores.

I was careful where I sat down at in public areas also. Sometimes I wouldn’t even sit down if I didn’t have something to cover a seat with.

In a way, I guess I was a germaphobe. It was all for good reason.

One day I was at work with a client.

She took her bare hand dug down inside her pants to vigorously scratch her pubic area then touched the landline telephone that I had to clock out with.

She didn’t even wash her hands before she used the phone.

This lady had the nerve to get offended because I wore gloves whenever I worked around her.

It is just a fact; everyone is not hygienic. One never knows where someone’s mouth has been (I was never one to let people kiss me either).

And, as I have already mentioned, one never knows where one’s hands have been, and so on.


















“Stop Bugging Me, And Begone!”

Aside from the excessive heat of summer the second biggest annoyance are the bugs that come out.

Insects are very pestering.

Now that I have one relief due to the humidity subsiding, now I have to deal with the three flies that freely welcomed their selves through my opened window on the days when the weather was scorching.

These flies won’t let up.

Between the buzzing in my ear to the landing constantly back and forth on my bare skin.

I told all three of them, “You all have to go!”

They pay me no mind, of course. They have wings so they use their advantage to override my fanning them away to their demise.

I have a surprise for them! I am a human therefore I have the greatest advantage over them. Just wait until they fly into a sticky fly trap hung from the ceiling.

They won’t be flying around anywhere anymore. They had plenty of time beforehand to fly back out the window to leave. I gave them a chance now they’re doomed.

Good Vibrations

Other people’s behavior never affected my accomplishments yet having positive energy around one gives a situation an extra boost.

I’ve been in workplaces occupied by  good employers who treated me right and who strived to be fair.

Work environment is very important although we don’t have control over the negativity that may arise or hover over within the atmosphere of toxic people.

I don’t get involved with rancorous people or frivolous crowds.

I go to work to do my job and not to make friends. I’m civil to coworkers but I keep my distance toward those who my spirit doesn’t take to.

When I have an occupation in which suits me well, regardless of whether or not I really want to be there at the job, to me, it is more like fun than actual work itself.

When one enjoys what they do and are comfortable within their settings it can make all the difference as to how successfully they will perform.