Rainy Day

I awoke this morning feeling really good energy around me. The weather was cloudy and rainy so I enjoyed my stay in bed longer as the mood had set for a day of cozy relaxation.

During the afternoon, the sun made a slight effort to come out yet failed. It is now evening and still the weather is cloudy, the hint of rain in the air, ready to pour down again.

I liked the ambience of the day at home.

Th environment indoors didn’t give off a dampness feel just one of still and calmness.

The environment outdoors was a different story.

It was quite breezy and brisk from the motion of the leaves and the gusts of the wind.

I ate some delicious vegan vanilla ice cream to hold me before I made dinner and turned in early to continue to relax on this cozy rainy night.



I appreciate the vibe from the universe and am thankful to the powers that be for never allowing me to lose who I genuinely am, I have too much vigor inside to not have the light of my true being shine.

I awoke upbeat and with good energy all this past week, I had a wonderful time everday on my job, and I had an excellent outcome of events altogether on the forefront.

The weekend has gone nice, quiet, and peaceful as usual, the essence of “spirit” is all around me.


Black Magic/Voodoo/Witchcraft And The Spiritually Inclined

People came at me with black magic/voodoo/witchcraft when I was just seven to eight years of age.

One would have to be severely malicious to go after an innocent child.

However, I wasn’t any ordinary child, born with extrasensory perception, an advanced intellect, and an extremely strong will and spirit, I was a triple threat among morbidly twisted individuals.

My mother was in her twenties at the time as we were both targeted for being who we were, for our capacities, and for what we was able to do and to achieve.

We had also come from a very good loving family that others wanted to destroy so they had gotten to the few relatives who measured within their low-grade category.

These adversaries didn’t know or weren’t aware about the other upstanding and exceptional members of my family who lived and resided within numerous boroughs and within distant locations.

My additional relatives were top notch people and there were a vast maternal clan of them. I can attest and give account to their significant existence.

I am a proud descendant of my wonderful family tree.

We all have a few tattered branches, and withered leaves, that break off and that fall to the side for the wind to blow away from time to time. It’s just an unfortunate fact of life.

Sometimes the environment removes the toxic parts of an element in order to not taint or to contaminate the whole entire aspect. Nature has a way of keeping an atmosphere healthy and productive.

As a spiritually inclined individual who was highly sensitive within intuitive faculty, I was able to feel what was going on around me without being mentally or emotionally affected by the situation.

Black magic/voodoo/witchcraft never had any serious effect on my mind.

When adversaries realize the technique of “weakening the senses” is not conquering their target, they resort to a paranormal strategy to work on the emotions.

Anyone with heavy empathic ability “feels” to the core.

So if black magic/voodoo/witchcraft is used to deceive and to manipulate one through unnatural sensation to influence one’s thought process the instance may, or will, inevitably be felt.

Yet, the occurrence itself, is definitely not the same incident as actual domination, and it does not mean the black magic/voodoo/witchcraft is working on the individual target.

As highly spiritually inclined people, we get messages through the feelings that we intensely feel, and when someone directs negativity toward us we can pick up on the energy, and we are able to discern the circumstance without necessarily coming under the influence of the condition.

Black magic/voodoo/witchcraft has the ability to operate around us without maneuvering within our surrounding area, or personal space, especially when we have protection, a strong spirit, and a robust energy.

In specific cases, black magic/voodoo/witchcraft directed toward us spiritually inclined people will automatically backfire, depending on who we are, the intent, and the advantage celestially framing one.

Instead of us being compelled by what we are not receptive to our innate state of repulsion at the experience counteracts to paranormally repel all of the negativity.


The Purpose Of The Caul

The Purpose Of The Caul, By Miss LaToya Lawrence

A lot of people don’t really know or understand what it actually means to be born with a caul.

One cannot learn through the internet, books, or word of mouth the depths of preternatural capacity and experience, people chiefly speculate, imagine, or merely rationalize within the lengths in which their minds will allow them to decipher.

Sure, we can share our stories and accounts, yet only individuals birthed under these special circumstances have true insight and understanding into the mysteries of our nature.

Anyone who doubts a person of the caul’s words of truth in regard to the instances of happenings that have, or that is able to take place, is either very naive or lacking in knowledge to the spiritual aspects surrounding our very existence.

Some of us can’t even explain why supernatural encounters occur to the extent that they do when effecting us within certain situations.

Nevertheless, the events teach us the extra layers to ourselves, and how our particular individual gifts work, and operate.

As we learn, we become more familiar and aware within life as well as within ourselves, because our propensities are who we are, inclination is our dominant feature, and within our attributed paranormal inherits, the condition addresses our whole entire state of being emphatically.

As a child, or adult of the caul, we tend to be very intellectually advanced individuals who often like, or who often prefer, to keep to themselves.

We keenly sense what is going on with other people and incidents as we connect to energy and to the vibes interacting within life force and within the ethereal sphere of the universe.

We are more connected to spirit than we are to the earth we physically live on. Our bodies reside here for a destined period of time, though, our hearts and minds abide and reflect the spiritual plane in which our souls originally manifested from.

One born of the caul usually gains wisdom and knowledge through the innate abilities incorporated to them by birth.

We are fed specific information through the energy we receive and pick up as we absorb vibration instantly, we process within mental faculty as well, and use both in conjunction to extrasensory radar such as precognition, clairvoyance, psychometry, and telepathy.

We are intuitively sensitive to a high degree, often engulfed, bombarded, or overwhelmed by the life concerning sensations that are instinctively interpreted and involuntarily felt.

We are a highlighted sample of creation in an example to the transcendental power that is within creation.

The meaning and purpose of one born of the caul is distinctive, pertaining to their own celestial path, preordained by genuine divine essence.


Baby On Her Feet

After my mother gave birth to me she didn’t want to have anymore children, and I’m glad to be an only child.

My mother invested a lot of time and energy into caring for me and raising me, and she did a spectacular job.

I can’t believe all of the effort and patience my mother had, she was a natural, my mother championed parenthood.

After having gone through so much as a child herself, and taking on the certain responsibilities of her own mother by practically raising her baby sister, my mother deserved much credit.

Although she took on duties that were not her obligations my mother still had a reasonable childhood and healthy upbringing thanks to her resilient spirit and solicitous other family members.

As it is a priority for a loving parent to nurture and to protect their child, the one most important thing my mother told me that she desired when I was an infant and a toddler, was to live to see me grow up and be able to fend for myself.

My mother wanted me to reach into adulthood safely and individually established.

My mother had gotten her wish, and even better than what she hoped for under our particular set of circumstances which came to test us every now and then through the discontentment of unsavory people who envied our lifestyle, and relationship together.

I turned out good, and enduring, all the way through.

For a while, during my mid teenage years, I wondered how things within life would be once I entered into my twenties, and my experience was also even better than what I had myself expected.

My mother and I had divine intervention looking out and watching over us. We beat the obstacles negative people tried to set before us.

I have a beautiful wish for my mother that I’d like her and I to both live to see develop, and eventually happen.



She, Her, My Dog: An Abundant Spirit


Puppies and dogs are special. Many of them have psychic capacity, extra ordinary instinct and intuition, the power to help and to heal, and a very strong connection unto spirit. Their existence is vital.

The moment she was first placed within my arms I felt an instant connection. She was so calm and still, her body didn’t flinch a bit.

She was content in my little arms. We were both young and just about to start the rest of our innocent lives together.

When I first brought her into my home I did everything I was supposed to do. I gave her the dewormer medicine the veterinarian gave to me, then checked her stool which never manifested any parasites, and she never had any type of worms through out her whole entire lifespan.

I gave to her everyday her ear medication as I rubbed the cream inside of her ears so that they would successfully heal from the infection the shelter told me she had, and they did.

My seven to eight week old puppy was in the best of hands. My ten year old mind was ahead, and on top of it all.

I fed her everyday, trained her, played with her, talked to her, comforted her, took her almost everywhere with me, and let her sleep in my bed.

We were the best of friends and one day when I was older she let me know just how close-knit we actually were and she was able to show me our neverending ties to one another. We had a way of communication that spoke louder than words.

I gave her plenty of my love and she was included as a member of the family and treated the most benevolently by everybody in the home as well. Yet she genuinely knew who she was celestially sent to and why she was here.

I was told how good I had taken care of my dog for the seventeen years that I was blessed with her. She was treated as an individual who had her own mind, who had her own feelings, who had her own wants, and who had her own specific needs. And she reacted accordingly, often excelling within the faculties of what one would have expected and I nurtured those attributes and talents she bestowed from within.

Environment was very important to my dog she was happy, very affectionate, loyal, intelligent, highly intuitive, and very observant of her surroundings.

She didn’t like conflict or disharmony and she was provided an atmosphere in where she could productively take in nature, where she could flourish, and where she could enjoy her peace.

She generated and exuded an energy that was magnetic, her aura was full of light. Her state of being was remarkable and her existence was magnificent.

Energy: Well Wishes

My energy within the universe.

I have noticed ever since I was a youngster that I’ve constantly gotten the things in which I had desired.

It wasn’t the bratty type of situation whereas I had to have everything that I wanted.

It was private thoughts of certain wishes.

The majority of the desires were granted to me no matter how soon or how long it may have taken for me to receive my requests.

Till this day I still get the things I want as well as the things in which I also need.






Breakfast And Bed


I headed out for work very early yesterday morning. I didn’t have to work this weekend.

This morning before I later headed to the city (Manhattan) I ate a great breakfast.

I had toasted whole wheat bread with non dairy plant based butter spread melted atop of it. I also had apple juice, grits, and soy milk.

My belly was satisfied and got so full that by the time I was riding the train I was ready to doze off as my body wanted to sleep from being fed a well suited meal.

I’m going to get me some real good rest tonight.


Spiritual Work: Occult Power

I was born with a caul, a circumstance which also imparted me with a natural inherited occult power, a supernatural energy to generate and to manifest, through the connection within spirit.

I still almost cannot believe myself how the universe generously cooperates with me. It is astounding and I am deeply touched by the condition. A state I’ve experienced since childhood though now to an elevated degree.

The average person would not understand how this intangible process works only a “special person” is able to see into and discern the instance.

We in particular all have our own celestial design.

Every spiritually inclined individual may not be able to pinpoint the exact situation within another, as distinction serves to protect and sustain, however, while they cannot honestly deny the reality they are able to clarify the existence thereof.



Psychic Eye

As a person born with authentic preternatural capacity It was never “required” for me to read tarot cards, know anyone’s date of birth, see a description of one’s physical appearance, or gather background information in order for me to accurately pick up on their circumstances or personality.

As soon as I hear a person’s voice, hear of them, or notice them I receive intuitive messages, whether these people are near, or afar.

Things will come to me about people who I don’t know, people I have never met, and people who I am not aware exist.

It is all about energy and connection to the universe.

Anything deployed within addition are just tools used to enhance vibration.

Extra sensory perception is just exactly what it is, a “heightened sense of perception beyond the normal faculty of ordinary range”.

Good Vibrations

Other people’s behavior never affected my accomplishments yet having positive energy around one gives a situation an extra boost.

I’ve been in workplaces occupied by  good employers who treated me right and who strived to be fair.

Work environment is very important although we don’t have control over the negativity that may arise or hover over within the atmosphere of toxic people.

I don’t get involved with rancorous people or frivolous crowds.

I go to work to do my job and not to make friends. I’m civil to coworkers but I keep my distance toward those who my spirit doesn’t take to.

When I have an occupation in which suits me well, regardless of whether or not I really want to be there at the job, to me, it is more like fun than actual work itself.

When one enjoys what they do and are comfortable within their settings it can make all the difference as to how successfully they will perform.