Soap And Water

Personal hygiene is very important.

Everyone should regularly aim to keep their bodies fresh and clean, although, not everybody acquires or desires to do so.

I love a pleasant steaming hot shower, the firm beading sprays of soothing waters are therapeutic and rejuvenating, it feels good to thoroughly wash and rinse off mental and physical tension as well as away all of the excess of oils, sweat, and dirt in which we accumulate.

It’s a mental problem to constantly hesitate to wash, considering the fact how beneficial the overall effects of a scrub, soak, and spray, have on our health and wellbeing.

Some individuals are not even cleaning themselves properly by reaching and carefully scouring their folded and private areas.

It’s necessary to get into creases where most odors get trapped into through bacteria.

It’s nothing to be embarrassed about we all will stink if we don’t continue to wash on a steady basis.

I was at one of my jobs, when I worked at Toys R Us, and I noticed one of the managers in a rush to leave out from one of the aisles as he was placing items on a shelf.

He was trying to make a quick getaway as he saw I was approaching over to the area to where he was to finish up the rest of my assignment.

By the time I made it over to the aisle he was gone, however, the strong odor of his funky armpits had stayed to linger on behind.

He didn’t want me to smell him that is why he was in such a hurry to leave out the area before I came over.

Why didn’t he just wash up before he left home for work?

Yes, some people do sweat heavily during tasking and may start to reek, but from what I had smelled by what exuded from his body he hadn’t bathed that day, I could tell.

Some people are within such a rush to get to their job that they’ll skip the process of washing in order to not show up late.

He already could smell himself, he should have known better. Some people start out with a little odor, thinking they may be able to get through the rest of the day until that funk starts to heighten, and to spread.

People have to stop the odor before it starts and control it by remaining sanitary and using a form of deodorant and/or antiperspirant.

There are some who can’t help from having a foul odor as they may unfortunately have a gland problem or defect.

Certain others bodily insides are just rotten from lack of concern for their own personal health ( how they use their constitutions and what they internally put into them) and poor self care (internal bodily neglect).

Underlying circumstances within the body can manifest itself through out ones pores, and so on.



2 thoughts on “Soap And Water”

  1. Reblogged this on A Caulbearer's Journey Of Wisdom And Enlightenment and commented:

    Physical cleanliness is just as important as maintaining a spiritual cleanliness, I say.

    Something I found hilarious today when I opened up one of my emails. It was a written notice from one of my places of employment and what was so coincidental was that I just recently wrote a post in regard to people, bodily odor, and washing, especially when going to a work environment.

    Here is the email and after will be a posting and link to the post I had already wrote in general:

    Team Members,

    Personal Hygiene has become an issue for some or our employees. We have had several team member complain about body odor from other team membere and are refusing to ride in company vehicles due to this issue. Management understand that with the warmer weather sweating will cause an issue but that is still not an excuse. If needed, management will personally speak to individuals.

    As a Reminder:

    PERSONAL HYGIENE: All employees are expected to maintain their personal hygiene. Our hygiene should not offend our customers and fellow employees. The use of soap, water, deodorant and clean uniforms will help to prevent this.


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