Off Into The New Year: Into The Universe I Go

I don’t put my faith within others, but within myself, as no one knows me better than I know myself.

I spent Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s day at work earning that holiday pay.

Christmas is just another day to me as I stopped celebrating the festivity when I was twelve years of age.

The days and evenings went nice, quiet, and productive.

My new year has already started off to my liking. I continue to succeed at whatever I do because I am a conqueror who is full of wisdom, strength, and confidence.

Once I put my mind to something no one and nothing can stop me.

My new year will be another new beginning to the many chapters of my unique spiritual and earthly life.


Good Vibrations

Other people’s behavior never affected my accomplishments yet having positive energy around one gives a situation an extra boost.

I’ve been in workplaces occupied byย  good employers who treated me right and who strived to be fair.

Work environment is very important although we don’t have control over the negativity that may arise or hover over within the atmosphere of toxic people.

I don’t get involved with rancorous people or frivolous crowds.

I go to work to do my job and not to make friends. I’m civil to coworkers but I keep my distance toward those who my spirit doesn’t take to.

When I have an occupation in which suits me well, regardless of whether or not I really want to be there at the job, to me, it is more like fun than actual work itself.

When one enjoys what they do and are comfortable within their settings it can make all the difference as to how successfully they will perform.