At Home: Nice Quiet Dinner, Peaceful Rest

It was cloudy and damp when I first went out yesterday. Then eventually, it began to rain later on though the temperature was kind of nice, it wasn’t cold, felt almost like spring from the layers of clothing I had on-even with snow still occupying the ground from the last snowfall we had.

When I arrived home, I put away my groceries from the shopping I had did and prepared me something to eat.

First, I made my aunt tuna fish. It was a request she made along with some crackers. She had spotted the items the moment she noticed them stacked up inside the bag. I had asked her to help me carry up some of the groceries once I made it home.

Afterward, I ate a delicious plate of onion rings. I had not eaten anything all day.

It continued to rain on through the late night into the wee hours of the morning and I slept calmly to the sounds of the drops hitting against my window pane.


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