Sunday Morning Milkshakes/Sunday Afternoon Popcorn/Sunday Evening Fun: Quality Time At Home

My favorite days within and around my work day or night schedules have always been payday and my days off. Those days to enjoy the rewards of labor, and to relax in comfort.

I love having my space and reveling within my natural confidence and independence.

I am a loner who is never lonely.

As I love to be alone I don’t need, or desire, the constant company of others.

I love my food and living the very healthy lifestyle I’ve lived since my early youth. I love my entertainment and individual recreational preferences.

Yesterday I made two delicious vegan vanilla milkshakes and popped yummy🍿white popcorn kernels.

I watched an old episode of  “The Virginian”, one of my old favorite classic television shows.

I then watched a good suspense flick.

Later on within the evening, around eight o’clock p.m., I was all set to watch my Sunday night noirs.

I started off with a black and white film titled “Please Murder Me”, a 1956 movie which starred Angela Lansbury and Raymond Burr, the film was great.

I tried my hardest to stay up to view the following noirs, however, as I laid propped so comfortably upon a pillow I fell fast asleep into the clutches of a much needed long rest.




Early Morning Snack

I just got finished not too long ago eating a portion of cornbread that I prepared after midnight.

In fact, I’ve ate cornbread everyday last week in addition to my evening meals.

I hadn’t eaten anything at all yesterday but I did eat the day before on Saturday before I indulged in the tasks of my creative works.

I began Saturday evening after I had my dinner and was up until after 2am Sunday morning finishing up an artistic project.

I continued on around 10 or 11am later Sunday morning after I awoke picking up from where I had left off.

I finished early later within the afternoon.

Once I get started on one of my creative works my attention is totally focused and I stay occupied until the missions are completed.

I enjoy tasking and allowing my innovative ideas to flow. It comes easy to me yet at the same time it’s a lot of hard work as I’m very thorough and sort of a perfectionist. I like being my own boss and exercising the creative side of my talents while maintaining a work from home gig when I’m not working out in the field and have free time to spare.