Unbreakable: A Strong Mind Cannot Be Broken

When the spirit is strong and the mind is pure no amount of insalubrity can tarnish its ravishing essence- miss latoya

When my mother, Patricia Lawrence, was twelve years of age she won the top spelling bee of her whole entire school, not of her class, the entire school.

She was awarded a gold pen in front of the school auditorium in recognition for her achievement.

When I was eight years of age the same circumstance occurred upon my life. I received a gold pen for being one of the top best readers within the entire school, not just in my classroom, but out of the whole entire school as well.

I also received a gold pen directly in front of my entire school auditorium.

I was never uncertain about myself and genuine people in my corner have constantly believed in me.

I’m proud of those in particular who are naturally incorporated with various faculty it is inspiring and wonderful. I like to see deserving people succeed.

When we’re very young a lot of us know what we’re good at and what we are capable of doing and proceed on within pursuing or accomplishing the goals in which spark our interests.

It is vital to never abandon the gifts and talents we are born with and to never allow anyone to cause any type of discouragement, or self doubt within oneself, to do so would be ludicrous.

Especially, when one knows better.

There are envious people in life who’ll come around to call us the opposite of who we are, and who will attempt to deviously persuade us to believe we don’t have the capabilities that we indeed do surely possess, all because they do not share within our beautiful spotlight and they just want to pull us all down.

They not only endeavor to cause us to question or doubt our abilities, but our character as well.

It is a head game in which only works on weak-minded individuals.

A strong-minded individual never let’s anyone steer them into a direction leading toward a false reality.

It is illogical for a strong-minded individual to listens to lies in which our truths have innately revealed, and already defined.

Our paths are open, our steps are ordered to move consistently, take the prizes granted unto us, and create a personal self fulfilled destiny and prosperity.

Continue to sail forward and be fierce!

Envious And Jealous People

Jealousy and envy is very real and it is a very ugly emotion and thing in which causes discontentment and resentment within certain individuals towards others.

Have you ever had positive situations going for you and those in particular attempted to spoil the advantages?

It happens all of the time with many of us who are productive and who are able to flourish.

People are ready and are often on standby looking to prevent and to tarnish the prospects of opportunity as they don’t like to see others succeed and get ahead.

The most important thing to do is to always stay aware, keep up at having a genuine sense of self, purpose, and foundation.

Continue to revel within your own personal happiness, peace, and determination to proceed forward as no one can destroy one’s true inner joy, serenity, and motivation if they are strong within mind and spirit.