Blessings In Disguise

I’ve always been a free and bubbly spirit, strong and Independent, smart and confident.

Everything I achieved I’ve done on my own no one helped me to get where I’m at as I took the initiative and never accepted or needed any handouts and I am proud of myself.

Since I was in my early twenties just like a lot of young women do around that age I desired to have my own home and to live by myself.

I wasn’t exactly denied the preference. Sometimes life doesn’t give one what they want at the cost of vacating another.

My leaving a shared nest is not necessarily abandoning certain family members depending on the intention. Of course, it’s completely normal and healthy to desire to spread one’s wings and to live a life of their own.

Yet when a loved one may need us life may intercede at what can seem like a burden until we are compensated in ways that operate on the behalf of both parties when the situation is just and commendable.

We learn to accept within specific conditions and make allowances in which turn out to benefit one another at the same time maintaining an independence and individual mode of living.

When we’re decent and good, the universe recognizes, and rewards us special blessings.