A Beautiful Mind


I love beautiful scenery, cozy spots, places to get lost in that feel like a home.

I like riding over a bridge or through the expressway or through towns in the rain in a car while listening to the soothing sounds of mellow music or contemporary jazz.

I like the thought of atop and over a rooftop at nightfall. Tables, lighting, laughter, food, entertainment amid the dim-lit sun or moonlit essence.


Pretty Brown Girl❤


Everyone should love the skin their in because I know I genuinely do!

I love my brown skin- I always have.

I do not know why we who are of African ancestry are called black people- there is no such thing as a natural black skinned person- we are the original “brown colored” people.

My family come in an array of different shades from dark brown, medium brown, light brown, tan, to high yellow.

Color has never been an issue where I come from.

If anything, our color was a beautiful symbol of our African American, Native American and European (English from England) multicultural heritage and diversity.

Brown skin is beautiful.

When I look into the mirror, I am one of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen.


Where I Want To Live



Back in the nineties, as I used to travel quite often to and from the city of Manhattan, I considered the idea of one day moving there.

To take up residency in a gorgeous Brownstone of my choice if possible.

I loved Manhattan back then!

After time passed, the desire faded. I love certain areas of Queens where I plan to remain right now for the time being- unless I one day change my mind to another part of New York.

However, my choice will not be Manhattan, Brooklyn, or the Bronx.

There are many other beautiful parts of New York for me to go If I ever decide to permanently change locations.