At Home: A Description Of Me And My Homelife


I love the comforts of home, especially after a day or night at the job, depending on the shift I worked.

I enjoy the life I have.

I’m asexual, I don’t want or desire any man, I am very happily single, I don’t have or want any children, I don’t deal with unsavory people and individuals who I don’t care to be bothered with, I can come and go as I please, I have peace of mind, and I live an extremely healthy lifestyle.

I’m smart, confident, strong, independent, spiritual, kind, loving, and ultimately fond of puppies and dogs. These attributes all contribute to my longevity and ability to survive and maintain as I can get through anything in life.

I’ve already made it through the challenging periods still in tact. Anything else to come will be halted and handled by divine intervention.

I’m not an emotional type of person though I’m very passionate and energetic I love my space as I don’t like to intermingle too much. I’m very particular with whom I associate myself with if I do give certain people the time of day.

I am a loner, yet very far from lonely,  or being alone. I have my loved ones around me and those who have my back.

When I’m at home I love to relax. I delight within preparing and cooking my favorite foods, listening to good music, preferably tunes from when music was “real music”, not the shit predominately recorded now.

I love to read books, play and have fun with pets (I don’t have a canine at the moment), look at suspenseful movies and television programs.

I also have a lot of creative hobbies In which I take pleasure in.

My zodiac sign is Taurus and we love our homes.




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