Help To Those In Need: Charity, Volunteer Work, Donations

Some times when people think about donating or volunteering, they assume they may have to give up large portions of valuable items or time of themselves.

This notion is simply not at all true.

There are people who do not really want to give away anything but do it because they think God will punish them or look down on them if they do not share with the less fortunate or those in need.

The truth is, we all cannot please or gain points with the Lord on account of good works. He showers us purely through his love, grace, and mercy. However, when we do act purely within accordance to goodwill from our hearts God is delighted and he blesses us even more for our kindness.

Some people put on an air in front of others just to gain approval or praise by helping out the poor, needy, disadvantaged, or ones who are just temporarily/periodically going through a hard time. For them, it is all about getting recognition.

There are even people who when they do volunteer or donate, they are not very polite, courteous, or decent about their efforts and within their ventures.

Some individuals donate articles of clothing or items of use that may be in very poor, raggedy or undesirable condition and that is not suitable or hygienic.

Nevertheless, these people have the idea or mentality that people who are beggars cannot be choosers or that people in desperate need should feel lucky enough to get what they can due to their predicament.

People can be both cruel and judgmental towards others but if it was them within this particular unfortunate situation, they would not desire to receive someone else’s neglected or badly worn-out hand-me-downs or patronizing, condescending attitude.

When any of us are inspired to give the motive or intention should not be out of a feeling of torture or obligation. One’s main aim and purpose should come from a place of honesty, sincerity, and peace.

A true feeling of, humanity, compassion or empathy for what someone else may be going through that incites us to help.

If one decides to donate money it does not have to be a humongous amount. It can be fifty-cents, a dollar, five dollars, or ten dollars. It is the thought that really counts.

If one decides to donate clothing, toys or other articles of benefit, at least have them all cleaned and in a decent and suitable condition for someone else to appreciate and enjoy. To be generous and take kindness a little bit further, buy or share an item that is brand new or that has never been in use before.

If one decides to give of their time for some volunteering event, spend as short or as long a time within doing so as tolerated or permitted just volunteer and give of yourself amiably and with consideration.

During times when I give (or have gave), it is because I have been blessed by God and it is only right and fair to sympathize and to show the Lord how thankful I am by aiding to another. Also, because it comes from my heart or sense of humanity in specific circumstances.

I have lost money in the street before within the distant past; however, I did not get upset about it. I said to myself that it probably happened for a reason. Someone would have come across that money who may have needed it more than I did because I was not lacking for anything. Even if I was, God definitely would have provided by eventually reimbursing the money back to me.

So, whatever we do within our unstinting, self-sacrificing, unselfish, free-handed behavior- do it authentically and without expecting anything in return. When you do, it brings such a warm, uplifting, beautiful feeling to the heart and to the senses.

It also brings joy to the Lord to see his children responding to one another in love, care and thoughtfulness.


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